Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Cricket and the Red High Heels Ch. 1

Cricket sneezed, then wiped her nose on the corner of her bath towel. She had been stirring the bath tub with the end of a rose stem for quite some time now, trying to conjure up an adequate amount of bubbles for her bath. She was so very picky with the number of suds, which she was terribly allergic to, that she had gone though three and a half towels and was now sailing on towards her fourth.


She had accidentally put in too many suds this time and was waiting for them to die down before she hopped in. Cricket sniffled and snuffled and sneezed.
"Bless your naughty nose," Ducky said as she pawed into the bathroom.
"Thank you," Cricky replied.
"Why don't you get all wrapped up in your robe while I try to douse some of these blasted bubbles."
"That would be wonderful! Thank you!"
Crick-Snick got hunkered down in her red robe, waiting for her bath to be drawn. As she laid there, she began to drift off into sleep...


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